Recently, we had the pleasure of meeting Jason Dombroskie from Cornell University. He was in Algonquin conducting an insect workshop for the Friends of Algonquin Park.
Jason grew up around the Park and at a young age discovered his talent for indexing – first he indexed the 34 native species of trees in the area, then the 272 bird species. Finding these somewhat limiting, he turned his attention to insects, where there is an estimated whopping 7,000 species in Algonquin, nearly 2,000 of which are moths. Jason worked as an Algonquin Naturalist for 10 years. Now, he holds the position of Manager of Insect Collection at the prestigious Cornell University in New York, and is the Coordinator of the Insect Diagnostic Lab which takes him to many countries internationally each year. His current research is on the leafroller moth in North and South America.
When at Arowhon, we joined him at the crossroads where he set up a light to see some of the nocturnal insects in the area. Witnessing firsthand his knowledge and enthusiasm were contagious. Now, I find myself stopping at every moth I meet!
Good luck, Jason!
